Meet The Wiggles
Anthony Wiggle
Anthony loves to play the bagpipes and guitar. He is always ready to whip up a fruit salad, yummy yummy! His favourite colour is blue and he loves being a part of the Wiggle Town community.
Tsehay Wiggle
Tsehay dances with her sunflower power. Her favourite colour is yellow and she enjoys spending time with her Wiggly friends.
Lachy Wiggle
Lachy’s favorite colour is purple and he loves to snooze. Lachy plays keytar and sings beautifully to all his friends in Wiggle Town.
Simon Wiggle
Simon loves to rhyme and play “Simon Says”. His favourite colour is red and he sings in a bass-baritone voice.
Evie Wiggle
Evie loves to do yoga and dance ballet. Her favourite colour is yellow and she is always a friendly face in the Wiggly community!
Lucia Wiggle
Lucia loves to play the drums and is a wonderful dancer. Her favourite colour is blue and you’ll often find her painting around Wiggle Town.
John Wiggle
John is big and strong, and he likes to eat healthy and lift things all day long! He likes to help out his Wiggly friends and his favourite colour is purple.
Caterina Wiggle
Caterina loves to dance rock’ n’ roll and likes love hearts. She is a kind and caring friend and her favourite colour is red.
Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword is a friendly pirate who has a feather as a sword, which he uses to tickle everyone. He has magical, musical pirate buttons, which help the Captain sing in any way and dance like anyone and anything in the world! Whenever he sees his Wiggly friends, he says “Ahoy there, me hearties!”
Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy is a friendly green dinosaur. Her skin has big yellow spots and she wears white gloves and a white floppy hat. She is 5 dinosaur years old. She loves roses and especially loves to make rosy tea. Dorothy is very wise for her age and is always kind and generous with friends and people she meets. As a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dinosaur Dancing, she loves all types of dancing and her favourite type of dance is ballet!
Wags the Dog
Wags is a dancing dog and when he dances he likes to shake his hips. He loves eating and when you ask “Who’s got the bone?", Wags has the bone! Dancing the shake shake, digging in his garden and having a good time are some of his favourite things to do. The Wiggles understand him when he says “Woof!”
Henry the Octopus
Henry is a fun-loving octopus with purple skin. He is a smart dresser and loves his tartan outfit, shiny black shoes, bow tie and boater hat. He is the leader of the underwater Big Band and loves to sing and dance with The Wiggles. When he dances, he twirls around and around.
Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Shirley Shawn the Unicorn trots in the sun. Everybody loves them, from grown-ups to little ones. Their favourite word is Scrumptious! Their favourite food is rainbow coloured veggies & an apple for a treat!
Bok the Hand Puppet
Bok is a hand puppet and a timid character who displays emotions for children to empathise with. Bok is always enthusiastic and eager to learn.